Dr. Kirsten Hill, DC begins your chiropractic adjustment with precise, gentle contacts to release physical tension and to promote greater breath, ease and energy flow throughout the body. As your nervous system slowly unwinds, adjustments to the spine and pelvis can be made in an honoring, safe and effective manner.

After being adjusted, you will likely have a smile on your face and leave the practice with the light and happy feeling of being refreshed. Over the next few days, the adjustment will act as a catalyst—igniting powerful changes that over time will unfold in a noticeable improvement of your core health and a renewed sense of vitality. At your second visit, Dr. Hill helps you create a customized healing plan to resolve pain, physical imbalances and health problems, and to rebuild a strong foundation in your body.


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*Please select Chiropractic Adjustment 1st Visit (NEW Person) if you are NEW to our practice. If you are a regular practice member, please select the service Chiropractic Adjustment: 15 minute.


Initial Chiropractic Package (two visits) = $190 (This website special is $25 off the full fee of $215. Includes health evaluation, spine and nervous system assessment, two adjustments and a personalized care plan.)

Single Adjustment = $75

To receive a special discount and to maximize the benefits of your care, you may purchase a package of adjustments (available in 5 or 10) or commit to one of our amazing Wellness Plans (four, six or nine months of extraordinary healing!). These offer you a per session fee of $61 to $68.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (415) 564-7000.